End Your Energy Slump

End Your Energy Slump

Do you sometimes feel like the energy has just drained from your body? You’re not the only one feeling more tired, more often. Many people have lifestyles that lead to frequently feeling tired.

There are simple steps you can take to have more energy and focus. Try some of these tips for adding an energy boost to your day.


If you’re tired, exercise may not sound appealing. But it can make a big difference in your energy level, even in small doses. Try these tips from certified trainer Kayla Clausen.

Exercise at work. Take two or three 10-minute walking breaks during your work day. These walks can have amazing payback. It can reboot your energy, enhance your mood and raise blood flow. You’ll also get your recommended 30 minutes of activity for the day.

Exercise at home. You don’t have to spend time or money on going to the gym or studio. There are many options available for exercising at home. Whether you walk, dance, do burpees during commercial breaks or follow along with online videos, making time throughout the day to get some activity in will boost your energy.

And making fitness a priority for the family will allow the kids to grasp the value of physical activity and build a healthy bond with it for the future.

For younger children, go to the park, ride bikes, camp out, walk and go on scavenger hunts. For teens, train for an event together, take group exercise classes or go hiking. Or get them involved with a sport they like.

And don’t let the cold weather leaving site icon stop you. You can stay active in any season.

Talk to your doctor before you start a new exercise routine.

Redirect Stress

You may not be able to get rid of stress, but you can learn to manage stress and your reactions to stressful things. Stress reducing techniques like meditation or breathing exercises can help. Other options many people find helpful include spending more time with family, friends or pets; making time for a hobby you enjoy; and spending more time outside.

If work is a main cause of stress for you, use your stress positively to drive you to find work-life balance. This will allow you to have more energy by leaving stressors at work, and you can use your energy in other parts of your life.

Limit Technology

You are more tired and less productive if you spend hours on your phone, computer or watching TV. Gazing at technology all day can cause tension in the eyes, neck and back. It can also make you sleepy. Limit your screen time and find other activities to help raise your energy levels.

Fuel Your Body

Nuts, yogurt, dark chocolate, blueberries, avocado and spinach are good for your brain and energy levels. Having the right kind of small snack can help raise alertness and allow you to have a more productive day. And the food you have in the morning matters. If you eat sugary, starchy foods like doughnuts, cinnamon rolls or pancakes, you may feel mentally and physically sluggish. Try starting off your day with nutrient-dense food like eggs, fruit, lean proteins and whole grains.

Get the Right Amount of Sleep

Getting enough sleep will help your body reduce stress and have more energy throughout the day. If you wake up before your alarm goes off, you are likely getting the sleep your body needs. If you always depend on your alarm clock, you may want to make a behavior change and go to bed earlier. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends leaving site icon that adults get seven or more hours of sleep each night.

These steps can help boost your energy. But if you’re feeling very tired every day, talk to your doctor to rule out health problems that may be behind your lack of energy. Fatigue, leaving site icon a lingering tiredness that is constant and limits you, is a part of many illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease, low iron and thyroid disease.

Sources: How to Stay Active in Cold Weather, leaving site icon American Heart Association, 2016; How Tired is Too Tired, leaving site icon WebMD, 2017; How Much sleep Do I Need?, leaving site icon CDC, 2017; The Burden of Stress in America, leaving site icon NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health, 2014
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