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The first type of scam call is known as "spoofing."
Spoofing happens when someone fakes the identity of another device or user to steal data from the victim.
For example, members receive calls that show "Blue Cross and Blue Shield" on their caller ID even though BCBSMT is not making the calls. These scam callers ask for protected health information (PHI). They also claim they can lower member premiums or offer more coverage.
The second type of scam call is made by people who falsely say they represent Blue Cross or Blue Cross and Blue Shield. They claim they're selling health insurance. We don’t know yet who is making these calls, but it's important for you to know BCBSMT does not make any automated prerecorded sales calls.
With both of these phone scams:
Remember, unless you have a qualifying life event, you can't apply for health insurance until the next Open Enrollment period starting in November.
Read more about health care fraud and ways to protect your personal and financial information.
If you have any questions about calls that may come from us, please call the number on your member ID card.
Originally published 10/25/2018, Revised 2019, 2022, 2024
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Verint is an operating division of Verint Americas, Inc., an independent company that provides and hosts an online community platform for blogging and access to social media for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana.
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