Chief Medical Officer Reminds Women to Stay Up to Date on Screenings

Women’s health screenings are important to discuss with your health care provider or women’s specialist. In this video, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana Chief Medical Director Dr. David Lechner reminds women to talk with their health care provider about cervical and breast cancer screenings.

Learn more about Breast Cancer or Cervical Cancer.

Show Transcript

Hello, I’m Dr. David Lechner. I am the Chief Medical Officer at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, with a message about two preventive screenings for women. Women’s screenings are important to discuss with your health care provider or women’s specialist and important for your wellbeing. Cervical cancer screening, or a Pap test, is recommended every three years beginning at age 21 and continuing until age 65. How often you are screened can vary depending upon the type of screening and your individual health status. A mammogram, or breast X-ray, may be recommended every two years beginning at age 40 to screen for breast cancer. Have a conversation with your health care provider about when you should be screened. Cervical and breast cancer screenings may be lifesaving. If you haven’t talked with your health care provider about these screenings, call and schedule your appointment now. As always, remember to talk to your health care provider about any health questions or concerns you may have. Thank you.