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During girls’ night out, Marissa and her friends discuss their desire to be healthier. As a Customer Advocate, Marissa shows them the Connect blog, a platform that offers articles on health and wellness, fitness and more.
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Originally published 11/13/2020; Video revised 6/2023
SPEAKER 1: So glad we could get together.
SPEAKER 2: Me too! Your salad looks so good. How's your change to a healthier lifestyle going?
SPEAKER 3: Good. But I've read a lot of contradictions online about what to eat and what workouts to do. It gets confusing so I'm looking for a new blog.
SPEAKER 1: Oh, you should look at the Connect blog on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield website. It's filled with health tips.It has a lot of great information about living a healthier lifestyle for all ages and look, this one talks about the importance of sleep.
SPEAKER 3: Does it have any articles about exercise?
SPEAKER 1: Yeah it even gives tips about staying fit on vacation and during the winter. I've recommended Connect to a lot of our members and it's really helped them live a healthier lifestyle.
SPEAKER 2: This blog gives tips on running a 5K and I've been meaning to run one so this would be really helpful.
SPEAKER 1: Yeah, Connect offers a variety of information, from dealing with asthma to family exercise activities and even taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally.
SPEAKER 3: Awesome! I can't wait to read those, thank you.
SPEAKER 2: Hey! Speaking of vacations are you excited about your vacation, Marissa?
SPEAKER 1: Yes! Oh, I'm looking forward to relaxing.
SPEAKER 3: I'm looking forward to the phone call about Travis proposing.
SPEAKER 1: Oh! We'll just have to see!
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Verint is an operating division of Verint Americas, Inc., an independent company that provides and hosts an online community platform for blogging and access to social media for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana.
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