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If you didn't get a flu shot before the start of the season, ask your doctor if you should get one. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a yearly flu shot for most people six months and older.
You cannot get the flu from the vaccine. There can be some possible reactions to a flu shot, but they’re most often mild. Redness, pain and swelling at the injection site are the most common. An over-the-counter pain reliever can ease the minor side effects. If you have a reaction to the shot, talk to your health care provider.
The flu is a respiratory disease that spreads mostly from person to person through coughs and sneezes. It often:
The virus can spread before any symptoms appear. Someone can give you the flu before they know they have it. It’s just one more reason to protect yourself with a yearly flu shot.
The vaccine not only protects you, it helps protect your family and others in your community by lowering the chance you will spread the virus.
Those most vulnerable to infection are young children, the elderly and people with serious health issues. Unfortunately, some of these same people can’t get the flu vaccine because they’re too young or their immune systems are too weak.
When you get your flu shot, you help prevent the spread of the virus to at-risk people.
The body’s immune response from the vaccine declines over time, so it’s important to get a flu shot each year. Keep in mind that it takes about two weeks for the shot to protect against infection. So don’t wait until peak flu season to get your shot.
Prepare Your Child for the Flu Shot
You can make the flu shot experience less stressful with these tips:
Remember, it’s best to protect yourself from the flu. Get a flu shot every year.
Originally published 7/2/2019; Revised 2022, 2024
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