imMTrax: All Your Shot Records in One Secure Place

imMTrax: All Your Shot Records in One Secure Place

Did you just enroll your kiddos in a new school or daycare?  Is your college junior about to spend a semester studying abroad? Are you about to enlist in the military? Do you have a new primary care doctor you need to bring up to speed on your medical history?

In every scenario, you’ll need to share your vaccine history. Given that daily life can be hectic, who has time to chase down vaccine records from different care providers, clinics or pharmacies? Now you don’t have to.

A record of all the vaccines you and your family receive can be stored in one secure and convenient place — imMTrax, leaving site icon a computer database for the state of Montana.

How Does imMTrax Work?

imMTrax is administered by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS). It keeps an electronic record of all participants’ shot history in one secure and convenient place. Every time a participant gets a vaccine, a record of it is immediately recorded in the database.   

imMTrax gathers vaccine info from several sources, including:

  • Health care providers
  • Public health clinics
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC) clinics
  • Medicaid claim administrators
  • Department of Public Health and Human Services

Many, but not all, health care providers in Montana participate in imMTrax. Ask your provider if they record patients’ vaccine history in imMTrax.

Participation is free, voluntary, and confidential.
Montana law protects your privacy. That’s why consent must be given for the imMTrax database. To sign up, fill out the electronic consent form leaving site icon available in English leaving site icon and Spanishleaving site icon Parents and legal guardians can enroll children under the age of 18.

While the registry is designed to update and store a person’s vaccine information for their entire life, participants can withdraw consent at any time. imMTrax also meets the strict privacy requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

Who Can Access the Registry?

Doctors, nurses and other approved health care professionals — along with public health departments — can check the registry as needed. Private and public schools access the registry to verify vaccine status of their students.

Ready to Participate?

Join the growing number of Montanans who have already signed up for imMTrax. Contact your provider to ask if they participate in ImMTrax so you can opt-in. You can help protect Montana’s kids, teens and adults from serious diseases by keeping your complete shot history in one place. 

For more information, visit the imMTrax Resources leaving site icon page.