Some Emergency-Use Medicines Now Available at No Cost

Some Emergency-Use Medicines Now Available at No Cost
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We want to make sure our members have access to safe and cost-effective prescription drugs.

If you have prescription drug benefits through Prime Therapeutics LLC, some medicines leaving site icon may now* be available at no cost to you when you use a pharmacy in your health plan’s network.** These medicines are those often used in emergencies to save lives.

Treatment decisions are between you and your health care provider. Coverage is based on the terms and limits of your benefit plan. Be sure to check your drug list and review your benefit materials to learn more about your prescription drug benefits.

*This benefit applies on or after Jan. 1, 2025, on your plan’s renewal date. Some plans may not have this benefit until renewal dates in 2026.
**Not all plans include this coverage. This benefit does not apply to members with a health savings account or to those with grandfathered plans (a plan that was in existence on or before March 23, 2010).