Get Pregnancy and Newborn Info with Special Beginnings

Get Pregnancy and Newborn Info with Special Beginnings
1 minute read time

Ready to start the bump watch? We’re talking about your baby bump. If you’re expecting, it might seem like the only thing that you can expect is a lot of change.

Pregnancy is a time of excitement and planning, but it's also a time of questions and concerns. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana can help answer many of them and offer information every step of the way.

While we can’t cure morning sickness, we can give lots of support through our Special Beginnings® program. Call 855-740-1515 to learn if you’re eligible. Our online resources support mothers and their newborns — at no additional cost.

Ready to start get started?

First, call 855-740-1515 or the customer service number on the back of your insurance card between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., CT, to sign up. The Special Beginnings team will provide a private questionnaire to learn if you have any health risks and what support you may need throughout your pregnancy.

Once you are enrolled, you’ll enjoy:

  • Personal phone contact with the Special Beginnings team to address your needs and concerns
  • Assistance with coordinating your doctor care
  • Help identifying and monitoring any pregnancy risk factors
  • Support managing high-risk conditions such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia
  • Educational materials, including a complementary book about having a healthy pregnancy and baby

Congratulations on your baby! Here’s to taking healthy steps toward taking good care of yourself and your baby during this special time.

Originally published 6/3/2016; Revised 2021, 2023