• Keep Your Member ID Card Close

    It might be a thin piece of plastic tucked in your wallet until you need it. Or it might be something you find in an app on your phone. Either way, your member ID card packs a wallop. What else holds everything you need to take care of your health...
  • Your Blue Points Rewards Program Just Got Better

    This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan through the health insurance marketplace (not those who have coverage through an employer). Well onTarget® and Blue PointsSM are not available to all m...
  • Enrolled for 2025? Find Out What to Expect Next

    This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan. When you enrolled in your 2025 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana (BCBSMT) health plan, you started a chain reaction.* We have been hard at work for several...
  • Need to See a Specialist?

    When you’re not feeling well, you might call your primary care doctor. With a little care, your doctor may have you on the road to recovery in no time. But what if your health issue is more serious? Your primary care doctor may say you need to ....
  • Save Money With a Value Pharmacy

    Did you know your health plan may offer a value pharmacy network? When you use a value pharmacy, you pay the lowest out-of-pocket cost on covered prescription drugs. With your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana prescription drug plan, you save...
  • Everything You Need to Know About Health Savings and Flexible Spending Accounts

    Along with acronyms for preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and health maintenance organizations (HMOs), add two more to your list. Both can help you pay doctor's bills and save money. Health savings accounts (HSAs) and flexible spending accounts...
  • What Is 3D Mammography?

    Women have choices when it comes to breast cancer screenings. A standard mammogram every one or two years is the recommended best practice for early detection. It can detect breast cancer up to three years before it can be felt. Since their introduct...
  • What Is an HMO?

    If you're looking for a health plan that's easy to understand, easy to use and easy on your wallet, an HMO may be just what you need for you and your family. It’s Simple An HMO — or health maintenance organization — keeps costs low ...
  • Are Your Doctors Talking to Each Other?

    Finding and treating eye disease early is key to maintaining good vision. Screening for diabetic eye disease has saved many people from developing poor vision or even going blind. A complete exam by an ophthalmologist or optometrist can detect early...
  • Know Your Colorectal Cancer Screening Options

    Getting screened for colon cancer is an important way to protect your health. Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. But colon cancer can be successfully treated when it is found and treated early. Until it grows or sprea...
  • Planning a Trip? Be Sure to Pack Some International Health Insurance

    Almost 1 in 4 Americans have had a health issue while traveling abroad. Do you know what you would do if you were traveling outside the U.S. and got sick or injured? Many people expect that their U.S. health plan will cover them wherever they go...
  • Know Where to Go When Minutes Count, or Anytime

    It’s important to know where to go when you need care. Sometimes the choice is clear. If you’re having signs of a heart attack or stroke, it’s best to go to an emergency room (ER). But what if you have a sore throat? Or an upset sto...
  • It’s Open Enrollment — Time to Choose Your 2025 Plan

    The open enrollment period can be confusing. Premiums. Deductibles. Coinsurance. Networks. We can help. Here are three important steps to help you prepare for this year’s open enrollment for health insurance coverage. Step 1: Make Note of the D....
  • Save Money on Prescriptions with Medication Finder

    The cost of prescription medicines is always a hot topic. Most of us have experienced sticker shock at least once when we’ve filled a prescription. So, it’s not surprising that one in four Americans say it’s hard to pay for their me...
  • Check Out the New, Improved BCBSMT App

    The new BCBSMT App now offers access to more of your health plan information in one place. Our mobile app allows you to access your medical and pharmacy benefits information in one app. And if you have vision or dental coverage with us, you can also...